In order to ensure the long-term health for employees, NSRP implements the annual health examination to identify any initial sign of disease and provide early advice for prevention or seeking medical treatment in specialized hospitals.
NSRP Annual Health Examination Program was conducted from July 1st to July 10th, 2019 for a total of 1,194 employees in both the refinery and Head Office.
At the refinery, Hanoi Family Doctor Center mobilized their equipment and manpower and set up the temporary examination facilities in Admin Building, Locker Building and the Medical Center. The health examination included a wide range of tests from Blood Tests, Urine & Stool Analysis, Dental and Vision Tests to ECG, ENT, X-ray, and Ultrasound.
As in previous years, the Annual Health Examination was conducted in an orderly and professional manner. NSRP employees showed strong cooperation and appreciation of the company’s efforts in taking care of its people.
The results of the Blood Test and Urine & Stool Tests are now available on the website Final Health Examination Conclusions will be sent to each individual’s email. For further medical consultation, please feel free to visit NSRP Medical Center any time at your convenience.
NSRP’member in the Annual Health Examination Program
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