With the success of the tournaments in 2018, NSRP Community Sport Event has become a regular and joyful event for the community members to join and helped to strengthen the unity among local people. This is also a successful chance to showcase NSRP’s commitment on improving social cohesion and to enhance the relationship between NSRP and project-affected communities.
In 2019, NSRP continued cooperating with affected communities to organize the 3rd NSRP Community Sport Event in Tinh Hai commune stadium with participation of NSRP Trade Union in the competition for the 1st time. More than 80 athletes from 4 communes of Tinh Hai, Mai Lam, Hai Yen, Nguyen Binh and NSRP Trade Union joined the event and competed in 4 community sport games, namely Volley ball (female) (bóng chuyền hơi nữ), Relay race (chạy tiếp sức), Bag jumping (nhảy bao bố), and Blind man’s buff (bịt mắt bắt vịt).
HSSE&S Deputy Division Manager and Tinh Hai Commune Vice Chairman awarded flowers and prizes to the athletes from NSRP and affected communes
The event brought an opportunity for sport practicing and culture exchange between NSRP and communities and among communities themselves. Through the organization of this event for the 3rd time, NSRP expressed successfully the commitment of supporting health, culture, and social matters to affected communities; and helping to build community solidarity via sport competition activities. After the event, local authorities and community members shared their good feedback about the organization, NSRP’s support and their willingness that this type of event will be continued in the future.
The volleyball tournament between Hai Yen and Mai Lam communes
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