Tin tức đấu thầu


Nghi Son Refinery & Petrochemical Limited Liability Company (NSRP) is planning to select suitable supplier for supply Community Health Services as attachment 1.

If your company is interested in this procurement package, please fill in and complete questionnaire below then send email to pvd.phuong.dm@nsrp.com.vn “Response for Questionnaire “Community Health Development 2024 Project” NO LATER THAN 5.00 PM  29th JULY 2024 at the latest. For the avoidance of doubt, this notice does not constitute any contractual offer, binding promise or guarantee of business by NSRP.

Please answer the questions below:

Question 1: Provide your Company Profile (company name, address, contact person, phone number, email, organization chart and facilities).


2. No

If yes, please provide the documents.

Question 2: Does your company have:

– An establishment decision issued by a competent state agency, for medical examination and treatment establishments set up by the State, or a business registration certificate or investment license under law. for other medical examination and treatment establishments, and

– An operation license granted by the Minister of Health, the Minister of National Defense or the director of a provincial-level Health Department.


2. No

If yes, please provide the your documents.

Question 3: How many years of experience in such community health services do you have?

If you have experience in such services, please provide detailed information of activities involved in below table:

No.Name of projectImplemented project timeSpecialized activities related to health screening, dengue fever prevention by mosquito spraySpecialized activities related to organizing contest, monitoring community health data

Question 4: Are you willing to do this project during Oct 2024 to Mar 2025?

1. Yes

2. No

If no, please propose when you are willing to implement this project.

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